Stockard, Jean2023-04-112023-04-112016-04-03 pagesWhile a large literature shows that Direct Instruction (DI) is more effective than other curricular programs, some DI schools and classrooms are more successful than others. A major reason for these differences is implementation fidelity – the extent to which teachers and schools administer the programs as they were designed. Teachers and schools that conform most closely to DI implementation protocols have the most success. Their students proceed through the programs at mastery more quickly and have higher achievement. This report focuses on two general factors that influence the development of teachers’ skills at implementing DI with fidelity: 1) the extent to which administrative practices and decisions support implementation of DI teaching practices and 2) the extent to which student performance improves as schools, teachers, and students have more experience with the program.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USTechnical ReportImplementation FidelityAnalysisEffective Direct Instruction Implementations: The Impact of Administrative Decisions and TimeTechnical Report