McLean, Jeffery S.2011-07-062011-07-062011-02 p. This paper was completed as part of the final research component in the University of Oregon Applied Information Management Master's Degree Program [see htpp://].As the number of mobile information systems (ISs) increases, so does the amount of data-at-rest (DAR) susceptible to attacks. Literature published from 2001 to 2010 is examined to describe (a) 13 selected standards, regulations, and policies requiring DAR security solutions; and (b) currently available DAR security solutions of two types: hardware (encryption) and applications. Focus is on affordability and interoperability. Solutions are presented as a guide to help curb loss of DAR and identity theft.en-USData-at-restMobile information systemEncryptionIdentity theftNational Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S.)Federal information processing standardAdvanced encryption standardApplied Information ManagementAIMDataData-at-Rest (DAR): Protecting Sensitive Information in Mobile Information Systems (ISs)Protecting Sensitive Information in Mobile Information Systems (ISs)Other