Norgaard, KariVinyeta, Kirsten2014-06-172014-06-172014-06-17 many American Indian tribes, the Coquille Indian Tribe of Oregon has endured long struggles to preserve its cultural traditions despite the impacts of colonization. Now, advancing climate change poses additional threats to indigenous ways of life. In recent decades, the Coquille have archived historical documents and photographs as a means to protect and assert their tribal sovereignty. There has also been a surge in photography within the Tribe to document contemporary tribal activities. Community photography may be a useful tool for the purpose of asserting tribal culture and self-determination in the face of a changing climate. Photovoice, a type of community photography in which photographs are combined with oral descriptions, may be particularly well suited for tribal purposes. This collaboration explores the value of community photography in general, and photovoice in particular, when used by the Coquille Indian Tribe in the context of climate change.en-USAll Rights Reserved.Climate changeCommunity-based participatory researchCommunity photographyCoquille Indian TribeDecolonized researchTraditional cultural resourcesA Cultural Snapshot: Exploring the Value of Community Photography for the Coquille Indian Tribe in a Climate Change EraElectronic Thesis or Dissertation