Redmond (Or.)DKS AssociatesAngelo Planning GroupFCS Group2008-03-252008-03-252008-02 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and figures. Published February 2008. Captured March 25, 2008.In June 1999, the City of Redmond adopted their first Transportation System Plan (TSP). Since that time, there have been significant growth and planned growth in Redmond and its surrounding communities, and a few key changes to state highway facility plans in the area. The primary purpose of this update is to address these changes, with focus on: Addressing how the new Re-Route of US 97 north of Highland Avenue will affect city street circulation and related access to growing industrial areas to the east; confirm that the plan is consist with latest Statewide Plans and Policies; ensuring that system plans can adequately serve Redmond growth to nearly 60,000 people inside the City‘s urban planning area and additional development outside the City‘s limits that influence local conditions (e.g., rural lands and destination resorts). [From the Plan]18533866 bytesapplication/pdfen-USTransportation -- Oregon -- Redmond -- PlanningCity planning -- Oregon -- RedmondLand use -- Oregon -- Redmond -- PlanningBicycle trails -- Oregon -- Redmond -- PlanningPedestrian areas -- Oregon -- Redmond -- PlanningRedmond : Transportation system plan updateDraft report for Redmond : Transportation system plan updateBook