Nichols, Ryan2008-11-032008-11-032007-06, 59 p. This paper was completed as part of the final research component in the University of Oregon Applied Information Management Master's Degree Program [see htpp://].Databases are being compromised today at an alarming rate (Britt 2007). This content analysis study provides database administrators and security managers with an inventory of five common threats to and six common vulnerabilities of databases of large corporations when more than 1000 devices require security management (Whitman and Mattord 2004), aligning these threats with potential security solutions. As noted by Vizard (2007), while companies are becoming adept at fighting data breaches, attacks are gaining in sophistication.Security managementData breachesApplied Information ManagementDataSecurity managersDatabase administratorsAIMDatabase Security: An Inventory of Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Security SolutionsOther