Conduff, Carly2021-10-082021-10-082021-06 pagesEvery year, whether it be a national championship, world cup, world series or Olympic games athletes seem to break the boundaries of what was thought was physically possible. While this can be partially attributed to athlete mindset, there is a huge role that technology advancements in training regimen plays. Aspirations of athlete optimization has been driving the field of biomechanics and methods of training for decades. One critical industry to watch in this space is motion capture. As technology increases, the accuracy follows, as does the price point to achieve this. Budget motion capture apps have arisen, but leave require manual post processing, or have high levels of inaccuracies. There has been very little explored in the area of apparel aiding in the function of the technology, rather than an accessory to it. The intent of Apture Apparel to create functional, aesthetic athlete sports product that seamlessly integrates into the accuracy of accessible motion capture as well as creating heightened body awareness to offer positional feedback to young athletes.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USAPTURE APPARELTerminal Project