Portland (Or.)2009-09-232009-09-232004-03http://www.portlandonline.com/bes/index.cfm?c=38965&a=107828https://hdl.handle.net/1794/9776167 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Tables, figures. Published March, 2004. Captured September 22, 2009.This report summarizes current conditions in Portland’s watersheds, including the Willamette River, its tributary streams, and the portion of the Columbia River directly affected by activities in Portland. The conditions are summarized relative to four watershed health goals: hydrology, physical habitat, water quality, and biological communities. Improvement in these four goal areas will improve overall watershed health and the capacity of watersheds to perform critical functions, such as providing clean water. [From the document]en-USCity planning -- Oregon -- PortlandLand use -- Oregon -- Portland -- PlanningNatural resources -- Oregon -- PortlandRegional planning -- Oregon -- Portland Metropolitan AreaWatersheds -- Oregon -- PortlandPortland : Draft watershed characterization summary (2004)City of Portland draft watershed characterization summaryBook