Leeper, RobertPorter, Jr, Elias Hull2025-01-062025-01-061939https://hdl.handle.net/1794/3031659 pagesOne purpose of this thesis will be to clarify the results of previous experimenters in regard to the particular problem investigated and principles discovered. A second purpose of this thesis is to present new experimental evidence and an explanatory hypothesis for the first mentioned problem, that of the relative efficacy of emphasizers which bear information of correctness and which accompany correct or incorrect responses.en-USCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USUO theses and dissertations are provided for research and educational purposes and may be under copyright by the author or the author’s heirs. Please contact us <mailto:scholars@uoregon.edu> with any questions or comments. In your email, please be sure to include the URL and title of the specific items of your inquiry.education, correct response, incorrect response, emphasis in learning, informationThe Factors of Placement and Intensity of Emphasis in LearningThesis / Dissertation