Sherwood (Or.)Harper Houf Peterson RighellisCogan Owens Cogan (Firm)DKS Associates2009-08-272009-08-272009-04-06 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Maps. Draft published April 6, 2009. Captured August 3, 2009.The Adams Avenue North Concept Plan is a guide to development of 50 acres southeast of Highway 99W and north of Tualatin-Sherwood Road. Of this 50 acres, 33 acres was added to the regional urban growth boundary by Metro in 2002 at the request of the City of Sherwood. The primary objective in adding this land to the urban growth boundary was to allow construction of a collector street and alternative route between Highway 99W and Tualatin-Sherwood Road. Although not the primary purpose for expanding the urban growth boundary, this additional land will become available for urban development once the concept plan is finalized and implemented. [From the Plan]en-USCity planning -- Oregon -- SherwoodLand use -- Oregon -- Sherwood -- PlanningCommunity development -- Oregon -- SherwoodIndustrial districts -- Oregon -- SherwoodSherwood : Adams Avenue North concept plan (2009)Adams Avenue North concept plan : Draft #1Book