O’Brien, Eric2011-07-062011-07-062011-02https://hdl.handle.net/1794/1139285 p. This paper was completed as part of the final research component in the University of Oregon Applied Information Management Master's Degree Program [see htpp://aim.uoregon.edu].Deregulation in the credit union industry allows new opportunities to expand services and increase competition with other financial institutions by creating membership diversity beyond the traditional common bond. Operational data stored in data warehouses can be mined and leveraged to analyze and predict membership behavior to increase membership and asset growth. This study examines credit union performance indicators, business intelligence solution options, and four case studies to provide an implementation framework for credit union managers.en-USCredit unionsCommon bondMembership growthAsset growthBusiness intelligenceData warehousingData miningApplied Information ManagementAIMDataUsing Business Intelligence to Leverage Operational Data in Support of Membership and Asset Growth in Credit UnionsOther