Bennett, Drew E.Nielsen-Pincus, MaxEllison, AutumnPomeroy, AlainaBurright, Harmony S. J.Gosnell, HannahMoseley, CassandraGwin, Lauren2015-09-092015-09-092014 pagesWorking forest and range lands are rapidly changing as exurban growth, economic trends, and environmental impacts associated with climate change challenge traditional livelihoods derived from the production of farm, ranch, and forest products. Sustaining viable small and medium-sized forest and ranch operations while also supporting conservation-oriented management practices is essential to ensure that these properties continue to contribute to the working landscape and maintain ecological values in the American West.en-USCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USLandownersConservation of natural resourcesNature conservationForest landownersForest managementRange managementIncentives in conservation of natural resourcesBarriers and opportunities for increasing landowner participation in conservation programs in the interior NorthwestWorking Paper