Port of Portland (Or.)2009-06-042009-06-042007-02-14http://www.portofportland.com/PDFPOP/Trade_Trans_Studies_PTIP_2007_Final.pdfhttps://hdl.handle.net/1794/9327110 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Maps, tables. Published February 14, 2007. Captured January 14, 2009.The magnitude of regional transportation access investments and their financing are addressed in Metro's Regional Transportation Plan, Metro's Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) and the State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP). Access needs critical to Port facilities are reflected in the Port Transportation Improvement Plan (PTIP). [From the Plan]en-USTransportation -- Oregon -- Portland Metropolitan Area -- PlanningPort of Portland (Or.)Port of Portland : Port transportation improvement plan (2007)2007 Port transportation improvement planBook