Portland (Or.)Portland (Or.). Bureau of PlanningAlbina Community Plan2008-03-252008-03-251993-02http://www.portlandonline.com/planning/index.cfm?c=34248&a=58602https://hdl.handle.net/1794/582462 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Includes maps and figures. Published February, 1993. Captured March 4, 2008.To fulfill Statewide Goal 5 requirements, this report contains an Economic, Social, Environmental and Energy (ESEE) Analysis of historic resource protection for the recommended seven Historic Design Zone/Neighborhood Conservation Districts. The report begins with an explanation of the Goal 5 requirements. Then follows a description of the general consequences of historic protection. A description of features of the Albina Community Plan which will balance the impacts of historic protection is included. This report concludes with an ESEE analysis for each recommended historic review district. [From the Document]2669927 bytesapplication/pdfen-USCity planning -- Oregon -- PortlandLand use -- Oregon -- Portland -- PlanningCultural property -- Oregon -- PortlandHistoric districts -- Conservation and restoration -- Oregon -- PortlandHistoric districts -- Oregon -- PortlandNatural resources -- Oregon -- PortlandAlbina Community PlanPortland: Recommended Albina community plan goal 5 economic, social, environmental, and energy analysis for historic design zones/neighborhood conservation districtsRecommended Albina community plan goal 5 economic, social, environmental, and energy analysis for historic design zones/neighborhood conservation districtsBook