Condon, David M.Roney, EllenRevelle, William2022-07-122022-07-122017Condon, D. M., Roney, E., & Revelle, W. (2017). A SAPA Project Update: On the Structure of phrased Self-Report Personality Items. Journal of Open Psychology Data, 5(1), 3. DOI: pagesTwo large samples were collected to evaluate the structure of traits in the temperament domain. In both samples, participants were administered random subsets of public-domain personality items from a larger pool of approximately 700 items. These data broadly cover the most widely used, public-domain measures of personality (though this breadth is not likely free of theoretical bias). When combined with a third, previously-shared dataset that used the same methodological design [4], the sample includes more than 125,000 participants from more than 220 countries and regions. Re-use potential includes many types of structural, correlational, and network analyses of personality and a wide range of demographic and psychographic constructs. The data are available in both rdata and csv formats.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USPersonalityPersonality StructureTemperamentBig FiveA SAPA Project Update: On the Structure of phrased Self-Report Personality ItemsArticle