Sturlaugson, Brent2008-06-242008-06-242008-06 thesis, presented to the Department of Architecture and the Clark Honors College of the University of Oregon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Architecture, Spring 2008.This file is large and may take several minutes to open.Within the confines of static, two-dimensional representation, sensory tools are limited to visual cues, thus demanding the maximum output of symbols. Combining words and images taps multiple perception levels in the audience, creating a greater chance for perspicuity of a concept. Illustrasia is an exploration in graphic communication, employing words and images in sequential panoramas that seek to expand the confines of the chosen format. The communication of anonymous specificities serves as the method for transposing experience through printed media. Insinuations of time and place vaguely ground the work, but by avoiding labels to culture, time, and geography, a wider identification may be achieved.18263500 bytesapplication/pdfen-USDrawingTravelIllustrasiaThesis