Polizzotto, MatthewKoeneke, Markus2021-04-272021-04-272021-04-27https://hdl.handle.net/1794/26191Rice contamination by arsenic and cadmium is a well-documented challenge that impact billions of people globally. Our goal is to quantify the extent to which magnetite and manganese dioxide could be used as rice paddy amendments that limit As and Cd mobility and methane emissions. To do this, a suite of anaerobic and aerobic batch incubations were conducted utilizing rice-paddy soil and varying quantities and combinations of nano-magnetite and -MnO2. In the anaerobic incubation, As release decreased for all treatments, and Cd was not mobilized. In the aerobic incubations, all As concentrations in solutions were low and MnO2 decreased the amount of available Cd. This research demonstrates that nanoparticle magnetite and MnO2 can be used to reduce As and Cd mobility in flooded paddy soils, while having varying impacts on greenhouse gas emissions. There is Supplemental Information that goes in-depth on my digestion and extraction methods, data, and other figures.en-USAll Rights Reserved.ArsenicCadmiumContaminationMethaneRiceSoilMagnetite and Manganese Dioxide Nanoparticle Amendment Impacts on Arsenic, Cadmium, and Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Paddy SoilElectronic Thesis or Dissertation