Obek, Anna2024-05-162024-05-162024-05-01101 Or. L. Rev. 4790196-2043https://hdl.handle.net/1794/2946636 pagesThis Comment proceeds in five parts. Part I examines the importance and relationship between methane emissions and the agricultural livestock industry within the context of mitigating climate change. Part II provides an overview of livestock wearable technology and discusses ZELP’s methane-reduction mask for cattle, the company’s welfare considerations, and efficacy. Part III analyzes ZELP’s methane-reduction mask through the California and Wisconsin animal cruelty statutes. Part IV discusses the ZELP methane-reduction device’s potential psychological impact on cows, and Part V provides alternative methods for reducing livestock’s environmental impact.en-USAll Rights Reserved.Greenhouse gas emissionsEnvironmental lawAnimal welfareClimate changeAnimal cruelty statutesMethaneCow Methane-Reduction Wearable Technology and Animal Welfare: Humane Solutions to Lessen Livestock’s Environmental ImpactArticle