Kay, Cameron S.2022-08-252022-08-252022Cameron S. Kay, Animal House: The Dark Tetrad traits and membership in sororities and fraternities, Acta Psychologica, Volume 222, 2022, 103473, ISSN 0001-6918, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2021.103473.https://hdl.handle.net/1794/27506https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2021.1034735 pagesVery little is known about the relationship between antagonistic personality traits and membership in Greekletter organizations (GLOs). The present study (N = 2191) examined the association between the Dark Tetrad traits—Machiavellianism, grandiose narcissism, psychopathy, and everyday sadism—and membership in sororities and fraternities. Participants who were high in grandiose narcissism were more likely to be in sororities and fraternities, whereas participants who were high in Machiavellianism and everyday sadism were less likely to be in these organizations. Psychopathy was not significantly associated with membership in GLOs. Taken together, the present results suggest that members of GLOs are not necessarily more manipulative, cold-hearted, or cruel than their non-GLO counterparts, but they may be more entitled, domineering, and status-seeking.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USMachiavellianismGrandiose narcissismPsychopathyEveryday sadismSororityFraternityAnimal House: The Dark Tetrad traits and membership in sororities and fraternitiesArticle