Umatilla National Forest (Agency : U.S.)2008-06-232008-06-231999-07-02 pp. Tables, figures, maps, appendices, references, illus. "The Desolation watershed comprises 69,672 acres of diverse landscapes, including both National Forest and private lands, located east and south of Highway 395, southeast of Dale, Oregon (Figure 1). Privately owned lands comprise about 18 percent of the total area, mostly at lower elevations at the western end of the watershed. Nine subwatersheds are recognized in this analysis, ranging in size from 4,455 to 10,815 acres (Figure 2, Table 1)." Captured June 18, 2008.Upland analysis identifies ecological processes of greatest concern, establishes how well these processes are functioning, and then determines the conditions or circumstances under which restoration and other management activities could occur in the watershed. Findings of ecosystem analysis for Desolation watershed include: available target maximum standard water temperature for tributaries should be 55-60 degrees F, the watershed has a high concentration of Botrychium; non-native seeded grasses occupy a high proportion of meadow cover; riparian obligate plant species are underrepresented; current noxious weed infestation is low; opportunities for use of natural fuels treatment are limited; old forest structure is much below historic levels; existing C1/C2 old growth network contains no old forest; and reproductive habitat for pileated woodpeckers and American martin has become rare.3999975 bytesapplication/pdfen-USForest management -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.)Watershed management -- Oregon -- Desolation WatershedVegetation management -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.)Desolation ecosystem analysis and Upland Forest vegetation analysisUpland Forest vegetation analysis and Desolation ecosystem analysisOther