Bemrose, Bob2014-12-112014-12-112014-05 pagesSmall businesses often operate with limited IT resources (Dai, 2010). SaaS solutions are appealing, as they provide opportunities to have access to high-end software without supporting high-end infrastructure (Dai, 2010). Integration can help businesses achieve business objectives (Lheureux, Pezzini, Thompson, & Malinverno, 2012), but is often difficult to achieve. This annotated bibliography explores SaaS integration at small businesses, with the goal of helping small businesses successfully implement and integrate SaaS solutions.en-USCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USApplied Information ManagementAIMDataSaaSSoftware as a serviceSmall businessSMBSMEIntegrationIntegration platform as a serviceiPaaSImplementing and Integrating SaaS Solutions at Small BusinessesTerminal Project