Gresham (Or.)2014-04-012014-04-012009-03-09 pp. Adopted 2009-03-09. Department of Land Conservation and Development Notice of Adopted AmendmentUpdates Industrial Policies; replaces existing BP, LI and HI Districts with two new GI & HI districts; applies Industrial Springwater (IND-SW) to 87 acre HI & 5 acre LDR site; adopts standards complying with Metro T4 regarding limitation on retail/professional services and land divisions; applies transit commercial zoning (MC & CC) to industrial areas at or near intersection of arterial transit streets (about 49 acres); rezones 9.9 acres HI/LI houseboat moorage to LDR-5.en-USPublic DomainLand UseGresham Notice of Adopted Amendment (2009-03-09)Adopted Plan