Hildreth, Richard G.2020-10-082020-10-081996-06-30https://hdl.handle.net/1794/2583868 pages. Report prepared for the Water Resources Research Institute, Oregon State University, with research support from the Environmental Protection Agency Region 10.In December 1994 the federal Environmental Protections Agency's Region 10 published "A Watershed Assessment Primer" (EPA 910-B-94-005). Appendix C of that report by this author, Mara Brown, and Robert Shavelson was an in-depth "Legal and Policy Analysis for Integrated Watershed Management, Cumulative Impacts, and Implementation of Non-Point Source Controls." This guidance report clarifies what legal authorities exist to comply with nonpoint source (NPS) pollution controls and evaluates federal and state NPS programs, statutes and regulations, local ordinances, case law, and a wide variety of secondary sources.en-USCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USPollutionWatershed managmentEnvironmental Protection AgencyPotential enforcement mechanisms for nonpoint source pollution controlsPresentation