Fairview (Or.)2014-04-022014-04-022011-06-07https://hdl.handle.net/1794/155669 pp. Adopted 2011-06-07. Department of Land Conservation and Development Notice of Adopted Amendment. Minor follow-up amendments to Fairview Municipal Code (FMC) 19.170 Sign Regulations including standards for electronic message centers, pennants, standards for projecting and awning signs in the Village Mixed Use Zone and definitions of "scroll", "site", and "flashihg". Minor changes to standards for electronic message centers, definitions of "scroll", "site" and "flashing", time, place and manner standards for pennants, and clarification of standards for projecting and awning signs in Village Mixed Use Zone.en-USPublic DomainLand UseFairview Notice of Adopted Amendment (2011-06-07)Adopted Plan