Phinney, Edward Sterl2024-04-102024-04-101963-06 pagesA study of existing materials raised questions about Meacham: Was he a sincere well-intentioned reformer, or was he a fool? Did he deserve the abuse heaped upon him by Oregonians and Coloradans? Was the support of eastern humanitarians warranted? Did he make effective contributions to Indian reform? It was discovered that satisfactory answers to these questions could be found only in a biographical study. The study was made, and this dissertation is the report.en-USCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USUO theses and dissertations are provided for research and educational purposes and may be under copyright by the author or the author’s heirs. Please contact us <> with any questions or comments. In your email, please be sure to include the URL and title of the specific items of your inquiry.Indian reformIndian affairsOregonFrontier influencesAlfred Benjamin MeachamAlfred B. Meacham Promoter of Indian ReformThesis / Dissertation