McGrath, Kelley2018-11-262018-11-262017-03-31McGrath, Kelley. "Ostriches, Minotaurs, Ghosts and Fossils in the Brave New Metadata World: Categorization & Linked Data." Online Northwest 2017, Portland, Oregon. Presentation. pagesLinked data promises to make library metadata more accessible and powerful. The clearly-defined URIs will form chains that lead to new connections and insights. But is there a flip side to such sharply-delineated data? Real life is messy and natural language doesn’t come with precise definitions. What happens in an environment that seems to require black-and white conclusions? What are the implications for the usefulness of linked data? This presentation will look at some challenges for bibliographic metadata in a linked data environment and discuss some possible approaches to handling themen-USCreative Commons BY-SALinked dataLibrary metadataCategorizationCategoriesMachine learningCatalogingControlled vocabulariesOstriches, Minotaurs, Ghosts and Fossils in the Brave New Metadata World: Categorization & Linked DataPresentation