McCue, Ryan2021-06-112021-06-112021 pagesThe hearing world already utilizes hand signals and gestures for common words, numbers, or actions. However, these gestures are instinctual and tend to vary person to person with their various interpretations of these gestures. In music, there can be many interpretations of the same conducting gesture. This can cause miscommunication between the director and the members of the ensemble and hinder the progress of preparing a piece of music. This paper explores methods of using American Sign Language (ASL) to clarify and streamline communication from conductor to performer in concert and rehearsal settings by taking common terms used by conductors and pairing them with ASL signs that either directly translate or visually represent the desired concept.enCreative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0-USEXPANDING CONDUCTING GESTURES THROUGH THE USE OF AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGETerminal Project