United States. Bureau of Land Management. Burns District2009-01-142009-01-142007-09-25https://hdl.handle.net/1794/829513 pp. Implementation of the rangeland prescribed burning portion of the proposed action on public lands and the privately owned lands of project cooperators within the Otis Mountain, Moffet Table, Birch Creek, Mule Creek, Newell Field, and Big Upson Field grazing allotments will occur over the next 12 years. Captured January 13, 2009.Announces decision to implement a portion of the proposed action. Includes all of the rangeland burning and silvicultural thinning outside of the Rudy treatment area in the northeastern corner of the project area. A portion of the silvicultural thinning treatments will be accomplished under stewardship contracting authority.en-USVegetation management -- Oregon -- Burns RegionPrescribed burning -- Oregon -- Burns RegionFuel reduction (Wildfire prevention) -- Oregon -- Burns RegionOtis Mountain (Or.)Range management -- Oregon -- Burns RegionPublic lands -- Oregon -- Burns Region -- ManagementOtis Mountain/Moffet Table fuels management project decision recordDecision record for Otis Mountain/Moffet Table fuels management projectOther