North Fork John Day Ranger District (Or.)2008-06-242008-06-242007-05-20 pp. Section 36 of T4S., R33E. Captured June 19, 2008.Announces that commercial thinning will be used to harvest approximately 140 MBF from 69 acres located along less than one mile of Forest Roads 5916-088 and 5916-085. Treatment will improve sustainability and promote stand vigor by reducing competition for light, nutrients, and moisture; encourage healthy stands with species compositions within the range of natural variability; reduce the probability of epidemic level infestations of insects and disease; and reduce ladder fuels thereby lessening the likelihood of high intensity fires.27401 bytesapplication/pdfen-USForest management -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.)Forest thinning -- Umatilla National Forest (Or. and Wash.)Flat timber sale decision memoDecision memo: Flat timber saleOther