Wald, SarahCrnkovich, Erin2018-10-312018-10-312018-10-31https://hdl.handle.net/1794/23921Approximately thirty years after their inception, the use of genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, remains contentious. Often, proponents of their use contend that the potential of GMOs to mitigate poverty and hunger in the “developing world” outweighs concerns in the “developed world” about their potential risks. This line of argument simultaneously decontextualizes poverty in the “developing world” from its multi-faceted roots in favor of a simple technological fix and precludes the possibility of anti-GMO sentiment that originates within the “developing world” itself. Focusing on India, I first shed light on the history of applying such simple technological fixes to the problem of hunger and then utilize textual analysis to explore varying perspectives on GMOs in order to make a case for why debates focusing on an objective “goodness” or “badness” of GMOs miss the point.en-USAll Rights Reserved.GMO: Friend or Foe? An Analysis of the GMO Debate with Special Focus on IndiaElectronic Thesis or Dissertation