Empirical Investigations of Betrayal and Memory Impairment

Jennifer J. Freyd
University of Oregon


Presentation given at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 16th Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX, November 16-19, 2000.


Slides / Handout:

To see the slides / handout (in pdf format) for the presentation click on: Handout (pdf format)

Note: Two of the graphics in the pdf format are currently degraded. If you want to see better versions of these figures you can link to them directly as follows:

Schematic depiction of two conceptually separable dimensions of memory (accuracy and persistence) that are often confused with one another in the context of the debate about recovered memories of abuse. Figure Copyright Jennifer J. Freyd, 1997.

The two-dimensional model of trauma based on betrayal trauma theory. Figure Copyright Jennifer J. Freyd, 1996.



DePrince, A.P. & Freyd, J.J. (1999) Dissociative tendencies, attention, and memory. Psychological Science, 10, 449-452.

DePrince, A.P. & Freyd, J.J. (in press) Memory and dissociative tendencies: The roles of attentional context and word meaning in a directed forgetting task. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation

Freyd, J.J. (1991) Memory repression, dissociative states, and other cognitive control processes involved in adult sequelae of childhood trauma. Invited paper given at the Second Annual Conference on A Psychodynamics - Cognitive Science Interface, Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute, University of California, San Francisco, August 21-22, 1991.

Freyd, J.J. (1994) Betrayal-trauma: Traumatic amnesia as an adaptive response to childhood abuse. Ethics & Behavior, 4, 307-329.

Freyd, J. J. (1996) Betrayal Trauma: The Logic of Forgetting Childhood Abuse. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Freyd, J. J. (1998) Science in the Memory Debate. Ethics & Behavior, 8, 101-113.

Freyd, J.J. (1999) Blind to Betrayal: New Perspectives on Memory for Trauma. The Harvard Mental Health Letter, 15 (12) 4-6.

Freyd, J.J. (in press). Memory and Dimensions of Trauma: Terror May be 'All-Too-Well Remembered' and Betrayal Buried. In J.R. Conte (Ed) Child Sexual Abuse: Knowns and Unknowns -- A Volume in Honor of Roland Summit. Sage Publications: Oakland, CA.

Freyd, J.J. & DePrince, A.P. (in press) Perspectives on memory for trauma and cognitive processes associated with dissociative tendencies. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma.

Freyd, J.J., DePrince, A.P., & Zurbriggen, E.L. (under review) Self-reported memory for abuse depends upon victim-perpetrator relationship.

Freyd, J. J., S. R. Martorello, J. S. Alvarado, A. E. Hayes, & J. C. Christman (1998) Cognitive environments and dissociative tendencies: Performance on the Standard Stroop task for high versus low dissociators. Applied Cognitve Psychology, 12, S91-S103.

Lisak, D., Conklin, A., Hopper, J., Miller, P.M., Altschuler, L., & Smith, B.M. (in press). The Abuse-Perpetration Inventory: Development of a Valid Assessment Instrument for Research on the Cycle of Violence. Family Violence & Sexual Assault Bulletin.

Read, J.D., & Lindsay, D.S. (2000) "Amnesia" for summer camps and high school graduation: Memory work increases reports of prior periods of remembering less. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 13, 129-148.

Terr, L. C. (1991). Childhood traumas: An outline and overview. American Journal of Psychiatry, 148, 1, 10-20.

ISSTS 2000 Presentations by Freyd & Colleagues

DePrince, A.P. (November, 2000). Betrayal and posttraumatic symptoms. Presentation at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 16th Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX, Nov 16-19 2000.

Ordering Audio: Tape #101*, can be purchased from Professional Programs Audio Cassettes, PO Box 221466, Santa Clarita, CA 91322-1466, 661-255-774, Fax: 661-254-4774. Cost is $10.00 plus $3.00 shipping.

Freyd, J.J. (November, 2000). Empirical investigations of betrayal and memory impairment. Presentation at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 16th Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX, Nov 16-19 2000.

Ordering Audio: Tape #101*, can be purchased from Professional Programs Audio Cassettes, PO Box 221466, Santa Clarita, CA 91322-1466, 661-255-774, Fax: 661-254-4774. Cost is $10.00 plus $3.00 shipping.

Freyd, J.J. (November, 2000). Discussant, Symposium on "Remembering and Forgetting Childhood Sexual Abuse" -- International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 16th Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX, Nov 16-19 2000.

Ordering: Tapes #107 & 108**, can be purchased from Professional Programs Audio Cassettes, PO Box 221466, Santa Clarita, CA 91322-1466, 661-255-774, Fax: 661-254-4774.

Becker, K. A., & Freyd, J.J. (November, 2000). Intergenerational transmission of trauma and dissociation. Poster to be presented at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 16th Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX, Nov 16-19 2000.

DePrince, A.P. & Freyd, J.J. Dissociation, directed forgetting, and attentional context. Poster to be presented at the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 16th Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX, Nov 16-19 2000.

*Tape #101: ISTSSS 2000 SYMPOSIUM: Examining the Role of Betrayal in Theory, Research, Clinical Practice, and Policy. Speakers: Jennifer Freyd Empirical investigations of betrayal and memory impairment; Anne DePrince Betrayal and posttraumatic symptoms; Jonathan Shay Betrayal of "what's right": Theoretical integration ; Terry Keane and Linda Piwowarczyk The role of betrayal in the war in former Yugoslavia: The Bosnian Experience; Sandra Bloom Discussant
**Tape #107 & 108: ISTSS 2000 SYMPOSIUM: Remembering and Forgetting Childhood Sexual Abuse. Speakers: Valerie Edwards Narrative memory for childhood sexual abuse; Robin Fivush and Valerie Edwards Subjective memory experiences of CSA survivors; Lisa Butler, Catherine Classen, Cheryl Koopman, Ruth Nevo, and David Spiegel Disclosure of childhood sexual abuse: Rates, targets, responses, and memory; David Corwin Memories of CSA: What forensic case observations contribute to developing knowledge; Jennifer Freyd Discussant

See also

Jennifer Freyd Last update Nov 2001 jjf@dynamic.uoregon.edu
Please note: Due to the large volume of correspondence I receive, I cannot answer most messages.
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