This document was created 6/13/2019 by Aaron Zettler-Mann ------------------- # GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset Photography and field data used for hydrogeomorphic analysis of the Rogue River in southwest Oregon, USA. 2. Creator Information Name: Aaron Zettler-Mann Institution: University of Oregon College, School or Department: Department of Geography Address: Email: ORCID: 0000-0002-5450-5763 Role: Doctoral Candidate, primary researcher Name: Dr. Mark Fonstad Institution: University of Oregon College, School or Department: Department of Geography Address: Email: ORCID: Role: Primary advisor 3. Collaborator information [Collaborators are not authors, but have contributed somehow to the dataset.] ------------------- CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Abstract for the dataset This data set contains two data types. The majority of the data here are the individual photographs used to build the Structure-from-Motion models of the gravel bars used in the study. The photos for each gravel bar are saved in a separate folder. In addition, there are a series of folders which contain the imagery used to produce maps of water surface roughness. There is also tabular data that was generated from the single-beam echo sounder which recorded depth. 2. Context of the research project that this dataset was collected for. This research used a combination of imagery of gravel bars collected in the field and GIS to produce longitudinal patterns for a variety of hydrogeomorphic variables. The Structure-from-Motion process was implemented in the commercially available software Metashape, by Agisoft. Gravel bar analysis was done using the software BASEGRAIN which is implemented in MATLAB. GIS data was downloaded from publicly available web portals. 3. Date of data collection: Data collection occurred during the summer of 2017 and 2018. 4. Geographic location of data collection: The majority of the data was collected along the Rogue River in southwest Oregon, USA. The study area begins at the Tou Velle State Park and ends at the Illahe/Foster Bar Boat Ramp. Data used for mapping patterns of water surface roughness were collected on the Willamette River in Eugene, Oregon. 5. Funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This data was funded a Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement grant by the National Science Foundation (#1734840). Additional support came from the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and the Department of Geography at the University of Oregon. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommerical (CC BY_NC) lincense 2. Links to publications related to the dataset: This research will result in 2 – 3 peer reviewed articles. At the time of the creation of this document, all articles are still in-production. ------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Gravel bar data were collected using either a DSLR Nikon D5000 or a DJI Phantom 3 professional UAV. Camera height was between 5 and 7 meters AGL. Depth data was collected along the thalweg of the Rogue River and has a sampling density of one point every 5 seconds, meaning the spacing of data varies some with rate of travel. Water surface roughness data was captures using 5 GoPro Hero 4 cameras. 2. Methods for processing the data: All imagery was processed using Photoscan v1.4.x (now called Metashape) by Agisoft. Scaled, georeferenced orthophotographs were exported. GIS analysis was conducted in ArcGIS v10.x. We used BASEGRAIN v2.x to compute gravel sizes. Point cloud analyses was done in CloudCompare v2.x. 3. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: As part of the research, data quality was assessed by comparing BASEGRAIN derived particle size distributions to those produced by the USGS using the more traditional hand-sampling methods. As the particle size distributions are a derivative of the original data (photographs) those data (tabular particle size distributions) are not included. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- There are two main data types: (1) georeferenced orthophotographs and (2) videos 1. Folder List: A. RogueRiver_Orthophotographs Short description: Contains all orthophotographs for the entire study area. The first part of the file name refers to the sub-reach. The second part is the gravel bar number. Gravel bars are numbered consecutively upstream to downstream. B. Filename: Video_SfM Short description: Contains the raw GoPro videos used to generate the maps of water surface roughness. ----------------------------------------- TABULAR DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: ChannelGeomorphDepth.csv & ChannelGeomorph.csv ----------------------------------------- Both files contain fundamentally the same data. The ChannelGeomorph.xlsx file contains all data for the entire study area. ChannelGeomorphDepth.xlsx is missing approximately 20km of depth data as a result of a sensor error. Rather than have these values blank, we have a duplicate worksheet. Variables: A. Name: x_coor & y_coor Description: Easting and Northing. NAD83 UTM zone 10 North. Meters B. Name: Dist_DS_m & Dist_DS_km Description: Distance downstream, meters and kilometers respectively C. Name: Width Description: Channel width (meters). Computed as the distance between the channel banks perpendicular to the channel centerline. D. Name: Elevation Description: Channel elevation (meters above sea level). Derived from the National Elevation Dataset E. Name: Slope Description: Computed from the elevation dataset using a 40 meter moving window. F. Name: Depth Description: (when available). Depth to channel bottom, measured in meters. Data collected following the thalweg of the channel, when possible.