X-Security: MIME headers sanitized on darkwing See http://www.impsec.org/email-tools/sanitizer-intro.html for details. $Revision: 1.140 $Date: 2004-02-11 20:47:43-08 X-Security: The postmaster has not enabled quarantine of poisoned messages. Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C56AA9.FD8602C7" Subject: Permission for Economics Honors Thesis in Scholar's Bank Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 11:11:18 -0400 Message-ID: <700333305371154695984DE63F683A88010DD370@LM-EXMSG-05.lm.lmig.com> X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: Thread-Topic: Permission for Economics Honors Thesis in Scholar's Bank Thread-Index: AcVqqf00XB54MdkaQt6Tp3/HCeRN9g== From: "Schneider, Nicole" To: Cc: X-OriginalArrivalTime: 06 Jun 2005 15:11:19.0016 (UTC) FILETIME=[FDCF3680:01C56AA9] Status: RO Dear Carol, I am responding to your April 27, 2005, letter asking for permission for my Economics Honors Thesis to be archived in the University's digital archive. I would be honored to have my thesis be part of this archive. I have read over and agree with the license agreement provided. Please let me know if there is anything else you need. Thank you, Nicole Schneider Technical Consultant Liberty Northwest Insurance Corp. 650 NE Holladay St. PO Box 4555 Portland OR 97208-4555 Ph: (503)736-7219 Fax: (503)239-4108 nicole.schneider@libertynorthwest.com