import dash
from dash import dcc, html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
# Sample Data
years = list(range(2025, 2044))
bau_emissions = [25000] * len(years)
option_2a_emissions = [25000 * (1 - 0.78) if year >= 2028 else 25000 for year in years]
option_2b_emissions = [25000 * (1 - 0.46) if year >= 2028 else 25000 for year in years]
option_3_emissions = [25000 * (1 - 0.56) if year >= 2031 else 25000 for year in years]
option_4_emissions = [25000 * (1 - 0.75) if year >= 2031 else 25000 for year in years]
bau_costs = [0] * len(years)
option_2a_costs = [8.2 if year >= 2028 else 0 for year in years]
option_2b_costs = [4.5 if year >= 2028 else 0 for year in years]
option_3_costs = [0] * 6 + [30 + i * 1 for i in range(13)] + [40] * (len(years) - 19)
option_4_costs = [0] * 6 + [35 + i * 1.2 for i in range(13)] + [42.4] * (len(years) - 19)
# Initialize the Dash app
app = dash.Dash(__name__)
# Common font style
font_style = {
'font-family': 'Arial, sans-serif',
'font-size': '14px',
'font-weight': 'normal',
'line-height': '1.2'
# Define selected and unselected button styles with improved aesthetics
button_base_style = {
'width': '180px',
'padding': '10px',
'margin-top': '10px',
'margin-bottom': '5px',
'border': 'none',
'border-radius': '5px',
'box-shadow': '0px 4px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
'text-align': 'center',
'cursor': 'pointer',
'transition': 'background-color 0.3s, transform 0.3s',
**font_style # Apply the common font style here
selected_style = {
'background': 'linear-gradient(to right, #4CAF50, #8BC34A)',
'color': 'white',
unselected_style = {
'background': 'linear-gradient(to right, #ffffff, #dddddd)',
'color': '#333',
# Create the initial figure with invisible traces
def create_initial_figure():
fig = make_subplots(rows=2, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True,
subplot_titles=("Carbon Emissions (MTCO2e)", "Additional Annual Costs ($Millions)"),
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=years, y=bau_emissions, mode='lines', name='BAU Emissions',
line=dict(color='orange', dash='dash'), opacity=0.2), row=1, col=1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=years, y=option_2a_emissions, mode='lines+markers', name='Option 2A Emissions',
line=dict(color='blue', dash='dash'), opacity=0.2), row=1, col=1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=years, y=option_2b_emissions, mode='lines+markers', name='Option 2B Emissions',
line=dict(color='purple', dash='dash'), opacity=0.2), row=1, col=1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=years, y=option_3_emissions, mode='lines+markers', name='Option 3 Emissions',
line=dict(color='red', dash='dash'), opacity=0.2), row=1, col=1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=years, y=option_4_emissions, mode='lines+markers', name='Option 4 Emissions',
line=dict(color='green', dash='dash'), opacity=0.2), row=1, col=1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=years, y=bau_costs, mode='lines', name='BAU Costs',
line=dict(color='orange', dash='dot'), opacity=0.2), row=2, col=1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=years, y=option_2a_costs, mode='lines+markers', name='Option 2A Costs',
line=dict(color='blue', dash='dot'), opacity=0.2), row=2, col=1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=years, y=option_2b_costs, mode='lines+markers', name='Option 2B Costs',
line=dict(color='purple', dash='dot'), opacity=0.2), row=2, col=1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=years, y=option_3_costs, mode='lines+markers', name='Option 3 Costs',
line=dict(color='red', dash='dot'), opacity=0.2), row=2, col=1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=years, y=option_4_costs, mode='lines+markers', name='Option 4 Costs',
line=dict(color='green', dash='dot'), opacity=0.2), row=2, col=1)
title="Interactive Trade-Offs in Carbon Emissions and Costs for Heating System Options",
xaxis=dict(tickmode='linear', tick0=2025, dtick=5, title="Year"),
yaxis=dict(title="Carbon Emissions (MTCO2e)"),
xaxis2=dict(tickmode='linear', tick0=2025, dtick=5, title="Year"),
yaxis2=dict(title="Additional Annual Costs ($Millions)"),
legend_title="Heating Options",
hovermode="x unified"
return fig
# Layout of the app
app.layout = html.Div([
dcc.Graph(id='emissions-cost-graph', figure=create_initial_figure(), style={
'flex': '2',
'width': '800px',
'resize': 'both',
'overflow': 'auto',
'border': '1px solid #ddd',
'box-shadow': '0px 4px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
'border-radius': '5px',
html.Div(id='option-description', style={
'height': '550px',
'width': '500px',
'overflow-y': 'hidden', # Prevent scrolling
'display': 'flex', # Flexbox to center content
'flex-direction': 'column',
'justify-content': 'center', # Center content vertically
'align-items': 'center', # Center content horizontally
'margin-left': '20px',
'padding': '20px',
'background-color': 'white',
'border': '1px solid #ddd',
'border-radius': '5px',
'box-shadow': '0px 0px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
'line-height': '1.4',
'max-width': '500px',
html.Button('View BAU', id='button-bau', n_clicks=0, style=unselected_style),
html.Button('View Option 2A', id='button-2a', n_clicks=0, style=unselected_style),
html.Button('View Option 2B', id='button-2b', n_clicks=0, style=unselected_style),
html.Button('View Option 3', id='button-3', n_clicks=0, style=unselected_style),
html.Button('View Option 4', id='button-4', n_clicks=0, style=unselected_style),
], style={'display': 'flex', 'flex-direction': 'column', 'align-items': 'center', 'margin-top': '20px'})
], style={'display': 'flex', 'flex-direction': 'column', 'align-items': 'center', 'flex': '1'})
], style={'display': 'flex', 'flex-direction': 'row', 'height': '95vh'}),
], style={'background-color': '#83E672', 'padding': '20px'})
# Callback to update the graph based on button clicks
Output('emissions-cost-graph', 'figure'),
Output('button-bau', 'style'),
Output('button-2a', 'style'),
Output('button-2b', 'style'),
Output('button-3', 'style'),
Output('button-4', 'style'),
Output('option-description', 'children'),
[Input('button-bau', 'n_clicks'),
Input('button-2a', 'n_clicks'),
Input('button-2b', 'n_clicks'),
Input('button-3', 'n_clicks'),
Input('button-4', 'n_clicks')]
def update_graph(n_clicks_bau, n_clicks_2a, n_clicks_2b, n_clicks_3, n_clicks_4):
ctx = dash.callback_context
# Ensure description is always defined
description = "Select options to compare."
selected_options = []
styles = []
# Handle individual button toggling
for i, (clicks, style) in enumerate([
(n_clicks_bau, selected_style),
(n_clicks_2a, selected_style),
(n_clicks_2b, selected_style),
(n_clicks_3, selected_style),
(n_clicks_4, selected_style)
if clicks % 2 == 1:
selected_options.append(['BAU', 'Option 2A', 'Option 2B', 'Option 3', 'Option 4'][i])
# Create the figure
fig = create_initial_figure()
# Set opacity for non-selected options to 0.2, and selected options to 1
if 'BAU' in selected_options:
fig.update_traces(opacity=1, selector=dict(name='BAU Emissions'))
fig.update_traces(opacity=1, selector=dict(name='BAU Costs'))
if 'Option 2A' in selected_options:
fig.update_traces(opacity=1, selector=dict(name='Option 2A Emissions'))
fig.update_traces(opacity=1, selector=dict(name='Option 2A Costs'))
if 'Option 2B' in selected_options:
fig.update_traces(opacity=1, selector=dict(name='Option 2B Emissions'))
fig.update_traces(opacity=1, selector=dict(name='Option 2B Costs'))
if 'Option 3' in selected_options:
fig.update_traces(opacity=1, selector=dict(name='Option 3 Emissions'))
fig.update_traces(opacity=1, selector=dict(name='Option 3 Costs'))
if 'Option 4' in selected_options:
fig.update_traces(opacity=1, selector=dict(name='Option 4 Emissions'))
fig.update_traces(opacity=1, selector=dict(name='Option 4 Costs'))
# Create description for the selected option
if 'Option 2A' in selected_options:
description = html.Div([
html.P("Option 2A involves the installation of an 18MW electrode boiler. "
"This technology uses electricity to heat water to produce steam, replacing the need for natural gas."),
html.P("Think of this as switching from a gas stove to an electric kettle. "
"Both heat water, but the kettle uses electricity, which is cleaner if the power source is renewable."),
html.Li("Quick Emissions Reduction: Significant reduction in emissions starting from 2028."),
html.Li("High Upfront Costs: Requires a substantial initial investment in the boiler system."),
html.Li("Increased Electricity Consumption: This option increases electricity use, potentially raising operational costs depending on electricity prices."),
html.Li("Reliance on Electricity Supply: The effectiveness depends on the availability and stability of the electricity grid.")
html.H4("To Learn More:"),
html.Li(html.A("Read more about electrode boilers", href="", target="_blank")),
html.Li(html.A("Sustainability benefits of electric heating", href="", target="_blank"))
html.H4("Submit your thoughts to the taskforce:"),
html.A("Email the taskforce", href=" on Option 2A")
], style=font_style) # Apply the common font style here
elif 'Option 2B' in selected_options:
description = html.Div([
html.P("Option 2B uses an 8MW electrode boiler, which is a smaller version of the technology in Option 2A, providing a balance between cost and emissions reduction."),
html.P("This is like using a smaller electric kettle for a single cup of tea instead of a large one for multiple cups. It's more economical but still serves the purpose."),
html.Li("Moderate Emissions Reduction: Less reduction compared to Option 2A, but still significant."),
html.Li("Lower Upfront Costs: More affordable than Option 2A but still requires capital investment."),
html.Li("Moderate Electricity Consumption: Uses less electricity than Option 2A, making it more cost-effective."),
html.Li("Scalability: Easier to scale or adjust if energy demand changes.")
html.H4("To Learn More:"),
html.Li(html.A("Explore smaller electrode boilers", href="", target="_blank")),
html.Li(html.A("Cost vs. efficiency in electric heating", href="", target="_blank"))
html.H4("Submit your thoughts to the taskforce:"),
html.A("Email the taskforce", href=" on Option 2B")
], style=font_style) # Apply the common font style here
elif 'Option 3' in selected_options:
description = html.Div([
html.P("Option 3 converts the campus heating system from steam to hot water, using heat recovery chillers. "
"This system captures waste heat from other processes and repurposes it to heat water."),
html.P("Imagine a hybrid car that reuses energy from braking to power the engine. "
"This system similarly recycles energy to reduce waste."),
html.Li("Long-Term Emissions Reduction: Significant but gradual reduction in emissions, with benefits realized over a longer timeline."),
html.Li("Higher Operational Costs: Requires ongoing maintenance and monitoring, leading to increased operational expenses."),
html.Li("Infrastructure Overhaul: Requires major changes to the existing heating infrastructure, which can be disruptive."),
html.Li("Energy Efficiency: Increases overall energy efficiency by reusing waste heat, but depends on other processes generating sufficient waste heat.")
html.H4("To Learn More:"),
html.Li(html.A("How heat recovery chillers work", href="", target="_blank")),
html.Li(html.A("Energy efficiency in campus infrastructure", href="", target="_blank"))
html.H4("Submit your thoughts to the taskforce:"),
html.A("Email the taskforce", href=" on Option 3")
], style=font_style) # Apply the common font style here
elif 'Option 4' in selected_options:
description = html.Div([
html.P("Option 4 is the most advanced, combining hot water distribution with geoexchange thermal storage. "
"This system stores excess heat in the ground during warmer periods and retrieves it during colder times."),
html.P("Think of this like a rechargeable battery that stores energy when it's abundant and releases it when needed. "
"The ground acts as the battery in this system."),
html.Li("Highest Emissions Reduction: Offers the most significant reduction in emissions, starting from 2031."),
html.Li("Very High Upfront and Operational Costs: The most expensive option, requiring significant investment in technology and infrastructure."),
html.Li("Complex Implementation: Requires careful planning and execution due to the complexity of the system."),
html.Li("Long-Term Sustainability: Provides a sustainable heating solution that can adapt to future energy needs and climate conditions.")
html.H4("To Learn More:"),
html.Li(html.A("Learn more about geoexchange systems", href="", target="_blank")),
html.Li(html.A("Long-term benefits of thermal storage", href="", target="_blank"))
html.H4("Submit your thoughts to the taskforce:"),
html.A("Email the taskforce", href=" on Option 4")
], style=font_style) # Apply the common font style here
elif 'BAU' in selected_options:
description = html.Div([
html.P("The Business As Usual (BAU) scenario assumes no major changes to the current heating system. "
"Emissions remain constant, and costs are minimal, as no significant investments are made."),
html.P("Think of this like driving an old car without any upgrades. It works as it always has, but it isn't "
"getting any more efficient, and it will continue to produce the same level of emissions."),
html.Li("No Emissions Reduction: Emissions stay the same, contributing to ongoing environmental impact."),
html.Li("Low Costs: Minimal additional costs as no new investments are made."),
html.Li("Status Quo: No improvements in system efficiency or environmental impact.")
html.H4("To Learn More:"),
html.Li(html.A("Read more about current heating systems", href="", target="_blank")),
html.Li(html.A("Environmental impacts of business-as-usual scenarios", href="", target="_blank"))
html.H4("Submit your thoughts to the taskforce:"),
html.A("Email the taskforce", href=" on BAU Scenario")
], style=font_style) # Apply the common font style here
description = "Select options to compare."
# Update layout to ensure both y-axes are correctly labeled
title="Interactive Trade-Offs in Carbon Emissions and Costs for Heating System Options",
xaxis=dict(tickmode='linear', tick0=2025, dtick=5, title="Year"),
yaxis=dict(title="Carbon Emissions (MTCO2e)"),
xaxis2=dict(tickmode='linear', tick0=2025, dtick=5, title="Year"),
yaxis2=dict(title="Additional Annual Costs ($Millions)"),
legend_title="Heating Options",
hovermode="x unified"
# Return the figure and the description
return fig, styles[0], styles[1], styles[2], styles[3], styles[4], description
# Run the app
if __name__ == '__main__':