Documents in this collection are those land area planning documents that deal with a specified location or area rather than the national forest or ranger district as a whole.
Browsing Special Area Management by Author "Sisters Ranger District (Or.)"
Strategic document addresses the ecological significance of eastern Cascade disturbance regimes and the need to provide late-successional habitat conditions for species such as the northern spotted owl. The assessment identifies management activities needed to: (1) reduce the risk of habitat loss from catastrophic disturbances such as fire, insects, and disease, and (2) sustain late-successional habitats whether the goal is to provide fire or climatic late-successional conditions. Also examines current activities, providing recommendations for maintaininng, restricting or eliminating them.
Delineates thirteen Management Strategy Areas based on (1) common plant association groups; (2) known spotted owl and other late-successional associated species sites; (3) rural interface areas; (4) common silvicultural opportunities; (5) common fire management strategies.