



Skinner, Brandon

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University of Oregon


noteScape is a piece performed at the Future Music Oregon concert at the UO School of Music and Dance in June 2015. noteScape is also the name of the program I wrote using free, open-­‐source software (PureData and GEM) to accomplish this performance. In noteScape, performers are cued by computer-­‐generated on-­‐screen visual prompts. The large projection during performance takes the place of the traditional paper score and guides the performers in their playing. Also, live, instantaneous visual feedback of each player’s individual sonic output (pitch and amplitude) is displayed on the same screen. The system facilitates live, two-­‐way musical communication between conductor/composer and performers. A large part of the purpose behind this work is to explore the possibilities afforded by this system. Live composition with a mid-­‐sized ensemble is possible, as well as gaming/improvisation scenarios between performers with no composer/conductor necessary. The key innovations explored in noteScape are: the live, highly calibrated analysis of players’ sonic output, the instantaneous visual representation of that data on screen for performers and audience, and the use of that data in performance, improvisation, and/or composition schemes.



Intermedia Music Technology, PureData, GEM, Future Music Oregon, Improvisation, Live composition, Music technology
