Revealing Human-Nature Relationships: The Case of Portland, Oregon
Olsson, Roxanne M.
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University of Oregon
Urban landscapes pose a significant challenge in striving for sustainability.
Ecological services and resources that urbanites rely on within cities are for the most
part hidden from thought and view. This severed connection between people and
developing a direct connection with their environment disrupts the development of
ecological concern, the ability to learn how ecosystems function, and how to behave in
regards to the environment. Portland, Oregon is an example of a city with a well-known
reputation for being environmentally friendly or "green". This research examines to
what extent the city and its people are environmentally conscious, ecologically literate,
and live in a landscape that is able to provide green infrastructure that is, in turn,
conducive of the former attributes.
55 pages. A thesis presented to the Department of International Studies and the Clark Honors College of the University of Oregon in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Bachelor of Arts, Spring 2014.
Environmental identity, Environmental consciousness, Ecoliteracy, Green infrastructure, Human-nature relationships, Resource consumption