Sled Springs OHV trail system and road management plan decision notice
Wallowa-Whitman National Forest (Agency : U.S.)
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Announces decision to implement Alternative 5 of project EA, to restrict motorized use in the Sled Springs area to designated routes.
Upon establishment of the trail system, or implementation of the Forest-wide Travel
Management Plan, which ever comes first, off-trail travel by motorized vehicles will no
longer be authorized except for snowmobile use in the winter. The OHV trail system will
include 156 miles of designated roads and trails for use by all-terrain vehicles and
motorcycles (Oregon class 1 and 3 vehicles, described as OHV vehicles henceforth). Of this
156-mile road and trail system, full-sized vehicles (Oregon class 2 vehicles) are authorized
to travel on 71 miles of existing roads. Convert 60 miles of existing roads into OHV-only
trails and construct approximately 25 miles of new OHV trail as connections between
existing roads to create logical riding loops.
20 pp. Tables. T3 and T4 N, R43 and R44 E. Captured March 23, 2009.
Trails -- Oregon -- Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Off-road vehicles -- Oregon -- Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Forest management -- Oregon -- Wallowa-Whitman National Forest