The Borderline or The Impossibility of Producing a Negotiable Form in the Social Bond for the Return of the Censored
Cantin, Lucie
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University of Oregon
How do we think the problem of the “Borderline” within psychoanalysis and the structural conception of
psychic organization it proposes? As for the notion of a border between neurosis and psychosis that the
case of the Borderline would simultaneously raise and call into question, we must rather recognize the
failed experience of an internal limit in the subject with regard to the management of the censored that
works and disorganizes the body in a jouissance that finds no path for its expression. The Borderline
grapples with the work of the unbound drive, which is free and mobilized by unconscious and censored
mental representations which fail to find both their mode of expression outside of the body and their
meaning for the subject, as well as their negotiable form in the social space. In the absence of this
space carved out in the social bond for the expression of the drive and of desire, the symptom and
acting out inscribe and stage the censored within the public space, where its dramatization inevitably
leads to a breakdown.
16 pages
Cantin, L. (2010). The Borderline, or the Impossibility of Producing a Negotiable Form in the Social Bond for the Return of the Censored . Konturen, 3(1), 186-201. doi: