North Soup and Blue Retro density management study finding of no significant impact


Finds no further environmental study is needed for project implementing silvicultural treatments on approximately 223 acres of BLM administered lands (Table II-1). This action would include thinning of conifer stands in the Timber Management Area (TMA), Late-Successional Management Area (LSMA), and Riparian Management Area (RMA) land-use allocations. All of the thinning treatments in this action would yield commercial wood products as a result of implementing the study prescription, however, thinning in the TMA is termed commercial thinning (CT) while thinning in the LSMA and RMA is termed density management thinning (DMT).


4 pp. Sec. 16, T.23S., R09W; Sec. 25, 26, 35, & 36, T.26S., R.12W. Captured March 11, 2009.


Forest roads -- Oregon -- Coos Bay Region, Logging -- Oregon -- Coos Bay Region, Forest thinning -- Oregon -- Coos Bay Region, Public lands -- Oregon -- Coos Bay Region -- Management
