Systematic Therapeutic Intervention: An Outline of a Family Treatment Program, No. 2

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Gallon, Steven L.
Jones, Richard R.

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Oregon Research Institute


As part of the Social Learning Project at Oregon Research Institute, there has evolved over the past several years a set of procedures which has been systematically applied in the treatment of families of aggressive boys. The therapeutic techniques are based on the body of psychological principles known as social learning theory (e.g., Skinner, 1953; Gewirtz, 1969) . In a classification of clinical therapies , these treatment techniques would be appropriately categorized under the rubric of behavior modification. Heretofore the clinical and research findings from this extensive project have been presented in several monographs ( e . g., Patterson, Cobb, & Ray, 1972; .Patterson, 1969; Patterson, Ray , & Shaw , 1968) which have discussed in varying detail t he actual activities undertaken in the treatment of disturbed families . There ~as not been available , however, in one easily accessible source , a concise outline of the sequence of steps in the treatment process and a description of the activities involved at each stage of family intervention. This report is an attempt to fill this need for an overview of the therapeutic procedures developed in the Social Learning Project . Hopefully , this overview is presented in a manner such t hat the reader can rapidly gain an appreciation for the detail, complexity, and orderliness of these treatment activities.


62 pages


therapeutic intervention, family treatment, treatment stages, intake, intervention
