Historical Film Reception: An Ethnographic Focus beyond Entertainment
Bisson, Vincent J., 1984-
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University of Oregon
Drawing upon theories from folkloristics, history, and audience studies, this thesis
analyzes historical films, their reception, and the importance of history and film in
everyday life. Using an interdisciplinary approach, I demonstrate how a folkloric
perspective may contribute to and strengthen the study ofhistorical films by emphasizing
the attributes of narrative and belief at the vernacular level of reception. With an
ethnographic and qualitative focus on the informal, common, and everyday film viewing
habits of specific individuals in relation to historical belief, this project provides empirical evidence that is necessary for a more accurate understanding of the function
and reception of historical films. This study also re-examines the formal aspects of
historical films in relation to historical re-construction, the definition and categorization
of such films, their reception, their function beyond entertainment, and the need for an
integration of new research in both audience studies and folklore studies.
xi, 180 p. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number.
Historical films -- history and criticism, Cultural anthropology, Folklore, Mass communications, Film studies