Characterization of Electro-Optic Phase Modulations for Arbitrary Unitary Transformations
Ashby, Sarah
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University of Oregon
Temporal modes are a viable framework for quantum information science and technology, being well suited for use in integrated photonics and single-mode fiber
networks. Techniques for temporal mode transformations have been developed that
allow for control over the mode structure, as well as beam-splitter like transforma
tions between temporal modes. However, no scheme to perform targeted multi
mode unitary transformations on temporal modes has yet been achieved. In this
dissertation we present a pathway toward implementing programmable arbitrary
unitary transformations on temporal modes using phase-only operations. We present
techniques to measure and characterize phase modulations via electro-optic phase
modulation. We demonstrate the ability to generate and measure arbitrary phase
modulations in the time and frequency domains using photonic arbitrary waveform
This dissertation includes previously published co-authored material.