Collaborative Metropolitan Planning for Urban Centers A REVIEW OF STRATEGIES AND APPROACHES
Johnduff, Michael
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Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management, University of Oregon
In many U.S. regions, Metropolitan Planning Organizations have embraced linking transportation and land use funding to address a variety of regional problems through the planning of “urban centers.” This study contributes to existing literature attempting to capture the variety and number of policies with this regional designation through a content analysis and policy crosswalk of the plans and policy documents of 21 MPOs nationwide, together with interviews of regional authorities and a spatial analysis of center data. This study finds that MPOs design regional center planning processes carefully around regional requirements which aim to involve localities in enhancing regional livability. MPOs designate many centers by emphasizing bottom up participation in the program; they craft broad eligibility requirements; they target on the whole a range of small communities already well served by transit; and they offer incentives which are more carrot than stick based.
76 pages
Regional planning, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Collaborative governance, Urban center, Regional policy