Granite Creek Mines human health and ecological risk assessment
Wallowa-Whitman National Forest (Agency : U.S.)
Cascade Earth Sciences
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Assesses, through a streamlined risk assessment process, potential human health and ecological risks associated with mining-related contamination at the Monumental, Cap Martin, Sheridan, Tillicum, and Central Mines (collectively called Granite Creek Mines). Arsenic and lead were identified as contaminants with carcinogenic risk predicted from exposure to arsenic-impacted surface water and soil/wasterock. Soil and wasterock threaten ecological impacts for primary plants and terrestrial invertebrates, and surface and pore water similarly pose a threat to aquatic life and wildlife. An Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EECA) is recommended, along with a data gap investigation.
34 pp. Tables, references, figures.
"The Site is located in the upper portion of the Granite Creek watershed, 5 to 8 miles north of
Granite, Oregon in Grant County in the Wallowa Whitman National Forest."
Captured June 5, 2008.
Forest management -- Oregon -- Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Hazardous waste site remediation -- Oregon -- Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Abandoned mines -- Environmental aspects -- Oregon -- Wallowa-Whitman National Forest