Searching for a Space: An Analysis of Eugene’s Free Parking Policy

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Leitman, Paul B.

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Department of Planning, Public Policy & Management, University of Oregon


The City of Eugene eliminated parking meters from a 12-block area of downtown Eugene in October 2010 to support economic development and attract more people downtown. This study evaluates the impacts of this free parking policy as it relates to businesses, patrons, and on-street parking conditions. I use the results from a survey of 62 businesses, a survey of 50 downtown visitors, and a series of parking counts to evaluate the impacts of the downtown parking program on retail activity, on patrons’ parking habits, and on parking availability. The results show free parking is widely supported by the community, but that few businesses are seeing its positive benefits and that parking vacancy is lower than the optimal rate of 15 percent in many areas of downtown. I use these findings to recommend ways the City of Eugene can improve downtown parking conditions without negatively impacting the business community.


Examining committee: Robert Parker, chair; David Hauser

