The Cross Purposes of Some of the Economic Policies of the Roosevelt Administration from 1933 to 1936

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Winestone, Robert Louis

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University of Oregon


With the Roosevelt Administration still a reality rather than an historical fact, it is with great difficulty that emotionalism can be avoided in an attempt to study it. The policies of this Administration have been such a distinct departure from what we Americans have heretofore considered to be the function of government in economic matters that we must readjust our thinking to accommodate such changes. This should not be considered an insurmountable difficulty. Every age has been faced with change and motion, but to accept an unscholarly approach for this reason is to admit that no scholarly approach to any problem is possible. Even though certain feelings of this kind enter into this discussion, benefits may come from an attempt at rationalism. Some individual in the future may be able to gather together the facts to bring understanding of these events.


164 pages


closed economy, international trade, government borrowing
