The Analysis of How Drug Trafficking Effects the Function of Economic, Social, Political, and Environmental Conditions within Central America
Wyatt, Sora
Spease, Kamryn
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University of Oregon
The Analysis of How Drug Trafficking Effects the Function of Economic, Social, Political, and Environmental Conditions within Central America Research shows that drug trafficking is the cause of many detrimental experiences that occur throughout Central American countries. The purpose of this study is to understand the influence drug traffickers have on the economy and its citizens. Based on extensive research we were able to find that areas with high rates of trafficking create an increase in homicidal rates, imprisonment, prostitution, illegal migration, and kidnapping. Drug related crime has also caused a substantial amount of economic loss due to its networking shipments that bring about environmental issues such as deforestation. Which further degrades the economy with an annual loss of hundreds of millions of dollars in natural resources. Whereas the proceeds from drug networks go towards immoral influence over politicians, giving drug traffickers confidential authority over local government and businesses. The significance of this study is to educate people on the functions of drug trafficking and deeply analyze the effect it has. There is a rooted complexity within drug related crime that influences the increase of other societal misconducts.
1 page.
Central America, Drug Trafficking, Global Impact