A Dynamic Time Course of Cognitive Map Distortion
Martinelli, Earl Nicholas
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University of Oregon
Distortion in cognitive maps has been examined by geographers and
psychologists in order to understand the cognitive processes used when spatial
knowledge is acquired from maps or images. This past research has lead to multiple,
reasonable, descriptions of cognitive mapping. These studies have generally been based
on cognitive maps formed at a single time point. This approach may ignore the dynamic
nature of cognitive maps. How do cognitive maps change through time? How might an
examination of temporal cognitive map distortion enhance our approach to cognitive
mapping research? This thesis explores how we can observe the dynamic nature of
cognitive maps through time and how the cognitive mapping process may vary depending
on the map image and the location of a target. Results suggest a dual processing model of
cognitive mapping dependent upon stimulus and task requirements. Two map retention
tasks are presented which support the dual processing model.
viii, 91 p. A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number.