La crónica literaria urbana en Perú y México (1999-2022)




ISSN der Zeitschrift



University of Oregon


In “La crónica literaria urbana en Perú y México (1999-2022),” I explore the political significance of contemporary literary chronicles published in books to identify agencies and political operators. The theoretical perspectives of Aníbal Quijano, Jacques Rancière, Elizabeth Jelin, Sayak Valencia, and Luciana Peker are employed in a comprehensive study that extends throughout four chapters, an introduction, and a conclusion. In the first chapter, “Agencias en el espacio urbano,” the critical agencies of disempowered individuals are explored through assorted selections from Juan Villoro’s El vértigo horizontal (2018), demonstrating the active presence of political actors. The second chapter, “Operadores desde el espacio laboral,” delves into the subjective and physical agencies of political subjects by analyzing selected chronicles from Julio Villanueva Chang’s book Mariposas y murciélagos (2022). The third chapter, “La memoria como herramienta política,” illustrates how memory functions as a tool for constructing political subjects through an examination of the past and the narration of the present in texts from Daniela Rea’s Nadie les pidió perdón (2015). In the fourth chapter, “La memoria, puente constructive,” chosen texts from Gabriela Wiener’s book Sexografías (2008) exemplify how memory becomes a political tool, enabling the construction of political operators. Additionally, an appendix is included, providing supplementary information and analysis on contemporary and lesser-known female chronicle writers in Peru and Mexico. Besides being the first study of its kind, this dissertation holds great potential for enhancing the understanding of how the chronicle personifies a living political body by connecting writers, regions, texts, and temporal contexts.



literary chronicle, Mexico, Peru, political agents, political tools, urban chronicle
