Examining the Effects of Academic Team-Initiated Problem Solving Professional Development on Data-based Decision Making for Reading Supports
ISSN der Zeitschrift
University of Oregon
A significant knowledge base has been developed within the educational literature on how to effectively use students’ reading data to identify students who are at-risk for reading failure and which interventions may be effective in supporting them. Despite this, two-thirds of American fourth graders read below proficiency as reported in findings of the most recent National Assessment of Educational Progress. The literature makes two things quite clear: (a) effective decision rubrics exist for how to identify which students need extra support and what support they need, and (b) teachers and other school staff overwhelmingly have access to the data necessary to utilize these rubrics. The study reported in this dissertation seeks to contribute to what is known about how to effectively implement the decision-making models which are known to be effective in supporting struggling readers. Leveraging the existing literature on structured decision-making found in the positive behavior interventions and supports literature, this study experimentally tests the effects of a newly adapted professional development in Team-initiated Problem Solving applied to reading support decisions (AcTIPS), on the decision making quality of a school’s data team as indicated by percent of points earned on subscales of the Decision, Observation, Recording and Analysis tool, and on students’ literacy outcomes as indicated by EasyCBM risk status. Data from a multiple baseline across skills design indicate that the professional development was successful in changing the decision making behavior of the data team across the three fundamental domains of TIPS performance. The team demonstrated clear, immediate, and consistent changes in their performance of Meeting Foundations, Decision Making, and Solution Implementation and Evaluation.
Curriculum-based Measurement, Data-based Decision Making, Multi-tiered Systems of Support, Reading, Response to Intervention, Team-initiated Problem Solving